
Comprehensive Health Consulting

Results-Based Intuitive Work: Be Totally Healthy

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Teresa Dietze
C.N.T., L.M.T., D.A.F.N.S

I am a principled and highly trained healing arts practitioner with a body therapy and nutritional orientation. I facilitate total health with both science-based and intuitive methods. My experience ranges from deep knowledge of foundational sciences such as anatomy and physiology, through social sciences and natural health modalities, to advanced subtle energy techniques. In addition to practicing advanced body therapies, I use a wide range of energy-based techniques to help clients with nutritional and dietary needs, holistic balance, personal and spiritual clarity, energy optimization and meaningful living. (See “Services” for more information.)

I use different approaches with different individuals rather than one-size-fits-all programs.

My ability to synthesize between diverse techniques supports fast and effective results. Participating in your personal and professional successes by supporting your balance, health, and aims brings me joy. I have had a successful word-of-mouth practice for over thirty-five years. Specifics of my training and life experience can be found by clicking here.

My hands and intuition are like bloodhounds: I track down blocks and issues quickly!

I excel at . . .

  • matching nutritional programs to your body’s actual needs
  • determining your body’s needs and priorities
  • advanced body therapies that relieve pain, promote mobility, and improve  over-all function
  • rapid resolution of obstacles to a joyful and effective life
  • helping you shape your life path
  • mirroring your true nature; developing authenticity through self-knowledge
  • practical application of spiritual principles
  • assisting professionals to integrate intuitive methods with pragmatic approaches

I am known for efficiency in treatment, trouble-shooting complex issues, knowing which intervention will give the best result at the moment.

I have partnered with high-level business coaches.

My work helps you to . . .

  • digest what you are learning
  • make rapid change
  • apply insights and intentions directly into practical, everyday action

I assist people in all walks of life to live with the passion, clarity, intention, and intuition that promote authenticity, power and influence. I also help clients who have social and political influence to shape their life decisions.

Please read what my clients say about me on the “Testimonials” page.

I have been developing the art and science of my practice for over 35 years. If you would like to request an appointment, click on “Request A Session” under “Sessions”. I will call you back to set up your appointment and answer any questions you may have.

If you would like to request an appointment, click on “Request A Session” under “Sessions.” I will call or email to set up your appointment and answer questions you may have.
Feel free to contact me at 206-525-3090 9AM to 8PM Pacific Time (Seattle).